Detective Derek J. Wilson

Detective Derek J. Wilson

Detective Derek J. Wilson


Detective Derek J. Wilson is a 17 year veteran of the New York City Police Department. He is currently assigned to the School Safety Division Counterterrorism/Field Intelligence Unit. He has been a certified instructor in General Topics for the state of New York and the NYPD since 2007, and has recently participated and completed the National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) Instructor Development Program through Louisiana State University.

Detective Wilson began teaching the Active Shooter curriculum to the department in 2011, after the completion of the Texas State University Instructor Training program: Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). Since that time, Wilson has been part of a core group of instructors that have trained over 3,000 police officers and other law enforcement personnel. He and his team of instructors have also developed a Civilian Active Shooter course which was developed for the civilian members of the police department and educators that work in the public school system of New York City; currently over 4,000 people have attended this training.

In addition to the instructor training that Detective Wilson has received from Texas State University, he has completed certifications from STRATEGOS and NCBRT through LSU in active shooter. Wilson has continued to diversify his training portfolio by receiving training and certifications from, but not limited to, SIMUNITION, Z-MEDICA, United States Air Marshal Service and VALOR. He has also obtained certifications in Low Light Tactics, Live-Fire Close Quarter Combat training, Advanced Pistol Tactics, and Plain Clothes Tactical Response. Detective Wilson attends multiple tactical and “active shooter” conferences and seminars yearly to stay informed about all recent developments and training in the field.

He is a subject matter expert in the area of New York City Gangs and Crews and continues to speak at conferences and lectures across the state. In his spare time, he likes to give back to his community by mentoring at risk youth in the New York City school system.

Detective Wilson has obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the NYPD Leadership Program.